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San Jose is fortunate to have such abundant stream resources.  Many municipalities don’t
The stream’s influence and benefits extend far beyond the stream banks
No standard definition of  “riparian” but the RCPS gives us a working definition
Streams and the Riparian are important because they are so closely connected to the functions of adjacent land. Finally, give a brief overview of how I review biological reports for creek side development projects.
2 Major Systems
35 Streams
One of the best Steelhead Stream in the Bay Area
136 Corridor Miles
Many Miles of Creek-side Trails and Parks
Watershed in the San Jose area.  Most upper watershed creeks would be classified as ephemeral or intermittent.
Downstream the ephemeral streams are replaced by the storm drain system.
We tend to classify streams based on their flow characteristics, vegetation, and size.
Generally streams progress from ephemeral to intermittent to Perennial, but…
Some streams lose water along the way and reverse the order
Many of the tributary streams in the SC valley originally never reached a larger stream or the Bay. Even Coyote Creek disappeared into the peat soils of the bay margin some years.
Flow all year long  (usually)
Wetted for most or all of the year (definition changes somewhat from the north and east to more arid southwest)
Surface and subsurface flow
Some may locally dry back to pools in summer in dry years, surface flow all year in wet years
Well-established banks, larger, older trees and shrubs
Coyote, Guadalupe, Los Gatos, Upper Penitencia
Only flow in the wet season
Defined banks, well-established vegetation
Subsurface Flow
Migration Corridors
May depend on ephemeral subsurface flows
Often only have surface water during storms
May carry substantial subsurface water flows
Shallow-sloping banks
Natural swales to dry washes
Denser Vegetation
Tend to be higher in the watershed
May shift location from year to year
Ephemeral stream of the type possibly found in Coyote Valley. 
During the wet season, it may be difficult to see the stream because all around it would be green.  Other higher gradient upper watershed ephemerals may be an arroyo through oak woodlands or similar feature.
People value nature over concrete (until their yard floods).
People tend to want to protect natural areas
Terrestrial migration corridors
Islands of refuge for birds
Provide cover and food to prey species
Provide hunting/foraging areas to predators
Variable habitat = rare species
Habitat mosaic increases diversity
What is sediment?
Slower flow allows sediment to drop out
Infiltration traps pollutants in soil
Healthy soil is alive with creatures great and small
Soil microbes can break down many pollutants
Infiltration stores water
Prolongs annual groundwater availability by releasing slowly
Northern News  Northern Section, California Chapter, American Planning Association
Vegetation stabilizes banks
Allows for infiltration
Makes soil more permeable (roots, bioturbation)
Retains water longer
Slows flow and diminishes peaks
Upland, streamside, and aquatic areas are intimately linked by hydrology (subsurface flow) Constrained streams erode.  Period.  (unless they’re concrete or otherwise completely hardened) Wildlife behave differently when we’re around (no Texas Hold ‘em behind our backs)
Erosion and effects to wildlife and adjacent vegetation can result from inadequate setbacks.
Invasive plant introductions from adjacent landscaping
Pets (dogs and cats) may impact birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles
Adaptive animals (e.g. woodrats, racoons) may impact quality of life in adjacent neighborhoods by invasion due to insufficient habitat.
We are admired by many municipalities because we need such a document (many cities no longer have much riparian to protect and enhance)
Well thought out, ecologically relevant, leaves sufficient room for
Some situations are not addressed in as much detail as others in the Policy
Some reports do not address Guidelines and conditions for reduced setbacks
Some reports only compare developed conditions to existing conditions, not those recommended in the Policy
Rarely, there are factual disagreements
Reports seldom recommend unconditional full setbacks