San José Envision 2040 Riparian Policy

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Riparian Corridors

Streams and adjacent riparian lands within the City of San José are a vital natural resource supporting a diversity of habitats. They also provide open space resources and contribute to economic vitality.

Goal ER-2 – Riparian Corridors

Preserve, protect, and restore the City’s riparian resources in an environmentally respon­sible manner to protect them for habitat value and recreational purposes.

Policies – Riparian Corridors

ER-2.1 Ensure that new public and private development adjacent to riparian corridors in San José are consistent with the provisions of the City’s Riparian Corridor Policy Study and any adopted Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan/ Natural Communities Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP).

ER-2.2 Ensure that a 100-foot setback from riparian habitat is the standard to be achieved in all but a limited number of instances, only where no significant environmental impacts would occur.

ER-2.3 Design new development to protect adjacent riparian corridors from encroach­ment of lighting, exotic landscaping, noise and toxic substances into the ripar­ian zone.

ER-2.4 When disturbances to riparian corridors cannot be avoided, implement appro­priate measures to restore, and/or mitigate damage and allow for fish passage during construction.

ER-2.5 Restore riparian habitat through native plant restoration and removal of non-native/invasive plants along riparian corridors and adjacent areas.

Actions – Riparian Corridors

ER-2.6 Develop a City Council Policy based on the City’s Riparian Corridor Policy Study and HCP/NCCP to successfully implement the riparian goals and policies of the Envision General Plan, which recognizes that a 100-foot setback is the standard to be achieved in all but a limited number of instances, where no significant environmental impacts would occur.

ER-2.7 Partner with public, private, and non-profit agencies on public outreach and education on the importance of protecting our riparian corridor resources.

ER-2.8 Develop and require the use of a criteria checklist from the Riparian Corridor Policy Study to evaluate new developments that propose to use riparian setback exceptions.